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    Entries in iPad Art (2)


    Friedrich Poppl's Ruling Pen Minuscule 2

    This is a close up section of a rendering of the Latin phrase "verba docent, exempla trahunt" which means "words instruct, illustrations lead." 

    This illustration emulates the Ruling Pen Minuscule 2 script of German calligrapher Friedrich Poppl.  His font dates from the 1960s.  I am creating this work on an iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil in the Adobe Draw app and opened in Photoshop to create texture and embossing.  This is a work in progrss, so I am not sure how it will conclude.  I envision a poster and in a different color.

    Apart from admiring Poppl's work, I admire his determination.  Here is a short piece on Poppl's challenging life as an amputee and prisoner of war.       


    Gold Fades Fast

    As brillant as gold is, it doesn't last long. It fades as do all beautiful things.  Here I tried to freeze the brillance of gold in much the same way Van Gogh tried.  Our tools, however, differ tremendously.

    This piece was originally painted on my iPad and exported to Photoshop Touch where I combined and blended it with a stone textured layer.  It was then exported to Photoshop, cropped and framed. I like to use different techniques on one piece and have been playing with the options since I got my iPad two years ago.  I am glad to now read about others doing this in the context of Adobe Creative Cloud promotion.  I am kicking around the concept of Creative Cloud.  It would be fun to work with all of Adobe's programs.