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                                                                                                                                                                                    My background in art is in traditional mediums, but now I work primarily in digital painting, design and photography due to digital art's immensely creative potential, where the right brain stays energized and creation can keep up with the velocity of ideas.   As an advocate for digital art I like to show the limitless possibilities of digital art, from abstract to traditional painting techniques, including portrait and digital religious icon.

    My work has been featured in Episcopal Life, Morehouse Publishing Christian Planning Calendar, The Apostle, on the ECUSA web site,  at Episcopal Cafe art blog, Visio Divina, ECVA Image & Spirit and in an ECVA presentation given at the Museum of Biblical Art.  My symbol designs are available for download at the ECUSA Image Shop.  I served as curator for the ECVA exhibition Illustrating The Hours (2005) and was one of three curators as well as a contributing artist for Visual Preludes 2006  (multimedia presentations with music produced by Dan Hardison viewable online).  My work also appeared in Image and Likeness (curated by Carole Baker, 2007), Portraits of the Self (curated by David C. Hancock, 2008), Light of the World (curated by Margaret Adams Parker, 2008), Gifts (ECVA Open-Studio Exhibition, 2009), Spirit's Fire (curated by Brie Dodson, 2005), Venite Adoremus (curated by Frank and Griffin Logue, 2005), Art/Community/Story (curated by Susan Dixon and Dan Hardison, 2002), Since September 11...  (curated by Thomas Faulkner and Krystyna Sanderson, 2002) and Out of Darkness Into Light (curated by Krystyna Sanderson, 2001). 

    I served as Program Director and Exhibitions Director for  Episcopal Church and Visual Arts (ECVA) from 2006 through 2009.  More of my work may be seen at the Contact Section of the ECVA web site. 

    I earned my undergraduate degree in Journalism at Auburn University (War Eagle!) and attended the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale where I studied advertising art prior to earning my J.D. at Jones Law School.

    I am a member of NAPP and produced the publicity and web site for my Episcopal home parish from 2001 through 2007.  I also served in Episcopal Church Women, the Garden Guild, the Altar Guild and the Flower Guild.

    Liturgical history and symbol are my primary areas of ecclesiastical artistic interests inspired by a deep respect for the historical Anglican aesthetic.  I also enjoy the study of Jungian depth psychology, symbolism, gardening/plant history and Southern history/culture.  I collect hydrangea and antique roses, considering gardening to be another form of visual design.

    I am a partner in the law firm of Davis & Neal with offices in Opelika, Montgomery, Dothan and Mobile, Alabama.